~°~ Home ASDwebdesigns ~°~  © Translation: December - 2015


~°~ Original by Le Monde de Bamboo ~°~

Thank you Nicole for your permission to translate your tutorials.

Please read my TERMS before sharing this tutorial!  



Disclaimer: Each Graphic is the property of the original artist to whom the copyright belongs and may not be placed in a collection or offered for sale on-line or otherwise.

This translation is written with PSP17, if you work with older versions some things might be different but the result will be the same.





  • <I.C.NET Software> - Filters Unlimited 2.0
  • Xero - Alienmist
  • Flaming Pear - Flexify 2
  • Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact - Backlight & Glass
  • Filter Factory D -  Mirror It  **
  • &Bkg Kaleidoscope> - 4 QFlip ZBottomR **

  • MuRa's Meister - Copies

** Import into Filters Unlimited




From PSP 14, 15 AND 16 there is no option for Image - Mirror & Image -  Flip There is a new option but this does not give the same result except when the tube/image covers the whole image from side to side There is a easy way to add the old Mirror and Flip options to the Image Menu I have written a tutorial you can find it HERE. From PSP 17 the option is back



#7f9ecf #000000 #ffffff          

Note: When working with your own colors, play with the Blend Mode and/or Opacity at your own discretion

  • Set your Foregroundcolor to #7f9ecf

  • Set your Backgroundcolor to #000000

Color Palette: Set your Foregroundcolor to Foreground/Background Gradient (Corel_06_029) - Style: Sunburst




The tutorial:


Open "alpha-zhenga" This image contains Alpha Selections

Window - Duplicate (or shift+D) - Close the original and proceed on the copy

Fill with the Gradient

Effects - Plugins - Filter Factory V -  Incantation


Color Palette: Change the Backgroundcolor to #ffffff

Layers - New Raster Layer

Fill with the Backgroundolor (Right Mouse Click)

Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image - Mask MD 028 - Source luminance Checked - Invert mask data NOT checked

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance

Layers - Merge - Merge Group



Color Palette: Change the Backgroundcolor to #000000

Change the Foregorund/Background Gradient (Corel_06_029) to Style: Radial

Layers - New Raster Layer (raster2)

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Sélection #1

Fill the Selection with the Gradient

Effects - Plugins - Xero - Alienmist - Default settings   

Selections - Select None



Layers - Duplicate

Layer Palette - Click on the Second Layer from the Top

Effects - Texture Effects - Mosaic Glass

Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling


Layer Palette - Click on the Top Layer

Effects - Plugins - Flaming Pear - Flexify 2 - Click on the Red Arrow and load Preset preset-zhenga

Or if this is not working for you with these settings:

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Backlight -  Settings Tab: Preset zhenga-nicole

Tip: You can change the colors at the Color Tab

Layer Palette - Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to "Overlay" and the Layer Opacity to 70


Layers - Duplicate

Image - Mirror - Mirror Vertical ( Image - Flip in previous PSP Versions) 

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Set the Opacity of this Layer to 100


Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Sélection #2

Fill with the Gradient

Selections - Select None

Effects - Plugins - <I.C.NET Software> - Filters Unlimited 2.0  - Filter Factory D -  Mirror It


Effects - Plugins - <I.C.NET Software>  Filters Unlimited 2.0 - &Bkg Kaleidoscope> - 4 QFlip ZBottomR

 Effects - Plugins - MuRa's Meister - Copies

Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal ( Image - Mirror in previous PSP Versions) 

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

 Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow -  Vertical 0 - Horizontal 0 - Opacity 60 - Blur - 40  - Color - #000000


Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Sélection #3

Open Image "crea n443Textures_3482_by_fa_stock

Edit - Copy

On your work image:  Edit - Paste Into Selection

Layer Palette - Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to  "Luminance (Legacy)" or "Luminance"

Selections - Select None


Open Tube "nicole-mist-deco4-2013

Edit - Copy

On your work image:  Edit - Paste As New Layer

Move like this:



Open Tube "text-zhenga

Edit - Copy

On your work image:  Edit - Paste As New Layer

Effects - Image Effects - Offset



Color Palette: Change the Backgroundcolor to #ffffff

Layers - New Raster Layer

Fill with the Backgroundcolor

Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image - Narah_mask_0861 - Source luminance Checked - Invert mask data NOT checked

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal ( Image - Mirror in previous PSP Versions)

Effects - Image Effects - Offset


Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Alpha Channel - Sélection #4

Flood Fill Tool - Set the Opacity to 32

Fill the Selection with the Backgroundcolor

Set the Opacity of the Flood Fill Tool back to 100

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Glass -  Settings Tab: Preset zhenga-nicole-glass  (If you use different colors you can change the colors at the Basic Tab)

Selections - Select None



Color Palette: Change the Backgroundcolor to #000000

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked  - 1 px - #000000

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked  - 30 px -#7f9ecf

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked  - 1 px - #000000

Selections - Select All

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked  - 30 px -#ffffff

Selections - Invert

Layers - New Raster Layer

Fill the Selection with the  Foreground Gradient

Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image - Mask MD 028 - Source luminance Checked - Invert mask data NOT checked

Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance

Selections - Invert

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow -  Vertical & Horizontal  0 - Opacity 30 - Blur - 20  - Color - #000000

Selections - Select None

Layer Palette - Double click on this Layer and set the Blend Mode to  "Multiply"


Open Tube "Tube corinne vicaire - femme 141- 2 - 2014

Edit - Copy

On your work image:  Edit - Paste As New Layer

Move like this:

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow -  Vertical & Horizontal  0 - Opacity 60 - Blur - 40  - Color - #000000


Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked  - 1 px - #000000

Optional: Image - Resize - Width 900 Pixels - Resize all Layers checked

Add your name or watermark, save as JPG file and you're done!

If you wish you can post your result on my Face book Page

Extra Example:


With special thanks to Martalip

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   If you want to use this tutorial for your group ,club or forum please read my Terms

ASDWebdesigns ©2008 - 2014 anyasspecialdesigns@gmail.com
Each graphic is the sole property of the original artist to whom the copyright belongs and may not be placed in a collection or offered for sale.
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this tutorial is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational or criticism purpose only.

ASDWebdesigns ©2008 - 2016